Join us in supporting Mike (knockoutlights on Instagram) and his family.  We want to help them as they recover from the devastating effects of the severe storms that hit California last winter. The unprecedented rainfall caused extensive damage throughout the state, and unfortunately, Mike and his loved ones were not spared. They endured not one, but two floods, first in January and then again in February while they were in the process of repairing their home and property. The floods completely submerged their home, leaving behind nothing but debris and standing water. To make matters worse, the river now runs through their property.

 Your generous contributions in this raffle will help them rebuild their lives, restore their property, and regain stability. Let us stand with Mike and his family, showing them that they are not alone in this challenging time. Together, we can make a significant impact and provide them with the resources they desperately need. Below are the two custom Berettas that we are raffling off, thanks to the incredible custom work we collaborated with   Black Beard Customs and Guns LA for this purpose.

Details on the Raffle:

There will be one ticket per quanity ordered under each pistol. Each ticket will have the order # and contact for whomever places the order. All the tickets will be placed in a locked box. The raffle will end 7/21/2023. When the raffle is over the box will be shipped to Mike where they will draw the winning tickets on 7/26/2023.


If the winners are ineligble or do not respond back by either phone or email in 3 days they will forefit their prize and another ticket will be drawn. If you enter in the raffle please watch your emails and check junk/spam folders on the ticket drawing date. Thank you for supporting this beautiful family.